10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 1999

2. The Undertaker Needed A Rest

Vince McMahon WWF Champion

Behold the face of a man who could do with a rest.

By 1999, The Undertaker was noticeably going through burn out. He'd been a near-constant on WWF telly since debuting in 1990 (aside from a sabbatical in 1994) and had worked through several niggling injuries to help maintain the roster's star power. All that had taken a toll on the guy, and it showed.

One could count the number of legitimately good matches 'Taker had in 1999 on one hand. His tweaked satanic gimmick had also gone as far as it could - the company burned through a lot of material with The Ministry Of Darkness, Corporate Ministry, his tag-team with Big Show and more. It was time for a break.

Despite starring in several memorable moments of the era, including that "symbol" business, his wacky abduction of Stephanie and a few WWF Title bouts, 'Taker's year was a poor one. He just looked knackered, and like he'd rather be anywhere else than on Raw by summer.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.