10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2003

4. Age-Old Goldberg Criticism Is Slightly Unfair

Steve Austin Goldberg WWE Raw 2003

Like Scott Steiner, Goldberg's brief stay in WWE sucked. Right? Right?! Not quite. Everyone always slates WWE for the way they handled big Bill between 2003-2004, but it wasn't as bad as you likely remember it being. No, seriously. Dip back through the archives to find out for yourself.

Vince McMahon gave Goldberg marquee matches vs. The Rock and Triple H, and he won the World Heavyweight Title during his first stay in the fed. Most criticism seems to come from the fact that he didn't go on some 180-ish match unbeaten streak like he did in WCW, but...that had been done.

Besides, WWE did feed Bill some squashes to help bed him in during the first few months on Raw.

Granted, he wasn't booked like the Jackhammering kingpin WCW's faithful wanted, but WWE can't take all the blame here - Goldberg himself rarely looked comfortable in the company sphere, and his sparkle had been significantly scuffed by Nitro booking during 2000 anyway.

They tried, and there's entertainment to be found if you don't go in expecting the world.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.