10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2003

5. The Co-GM Stuff Sucked

Steve Austin Goldberg WWE Raw 2003

Meanwhile, Steve Austin was struggling.

Naturally, especially given their blossoming real-life friendship behind the scenes, Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff did visibly have a blast as warring Raw GMs. However, they were often the only ones having fun. Fans just didn't want to see 'Stone Cold' in this role for very long.

He'd retired from in-ring action after WrestleMania XIX though, and WWE seemed determined to have some sort of Austin input on the main weekly. That, apparently, meant endless amounts of obnoxious shouting, burping, sophomoric pranks and the usual Stunner-meets-beer-bash content.

Did it work? Nah, not really. Worse, Raw in 2003 teased that Austin might work a match again several times. More on that later. For now, just know that you probably won't have an excellent time revisiting Steve's 2003 if you feel the urge. He'd become a Monday night annoyance after years of dominating the show with his essential antics.

How depressing for any self-respecting 'Stone Cold' mark.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.