10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2004

6. Hindsight Makes One Angle Even Worse

Edge WWE 2004
WWE Network

Raw's 2002 was blighted by some of the worst shock tactics pro wrestling has ever seen. The McMahons tried on necrophilia, gay weddings (that weren't actually gay weddings), "Hot Lesbian Action" and more during a tumultuous 12-month span that made it obvious they were scrambling for ratings.

By 2004, that approach hadn't completely died out.

The ongoing erm...love triangle between Kane, Lita and Matt Hardy that creative inflicted on fans was flat out painful to watch. This writer lives alone, but he repeatedly turned the volume down on skits and kept an eye on the door incase anybody happened to walk in and see him watching such weekly embarrassments.

The implied rape of Lita by Kane resulted in her being pregnant and miscarrying, which in turn somehow babyfaced the monster all in an effort to set up her heel turn on him further down the road.

It's just horrible, and should never have been booked.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.