10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2004

3. Using ’Stone Cold’ Was A Mistake

Edge WWE 2004

By 2004, most hardcore fans had started to realise that Steve Austin wouldn't be wrestling again anytime soon. So, his appearances had a phoned-in feel to them; there's no better example of that than the 8 March episode. There, 'Stone Cold' struggled to reclaim his old kingdom.

Austin cut a so-so promo about being named guest referee for Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg at WrestleMania XX. It was a miss from the off. The legend fumbled through lines and generally didn't seem too excited about anything going on. Fans picked up on that, which led to weird vibes aplenty.

There was just something...missing.

Here's something stunning (ha): WWE didn't really need Austin in 2004. He couldn't wrestle, had done the authority figure thing to death, and they were busy building fresh faces like Randy Orton. They also had enough star power from the old guard thanks to Triple H, The Rock popping in for cameos and more.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.