10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE Raw From 2004

4. There's More Great Wrestling Than You Think

Edge WWE 2004

If that isn't your bag, then don't worry - 2004 Raw has your wrestling fix covered generally. That 'Iron Man' is a prime example of excellent work, but there are tons of other bouts you might've totally forgotten about hiding in those archives too.

Michaels vs. Benoit on 3 May is stunning, a six-man pitting Evolution vs. Benoit, Chris Jericho and Edge on 2 August likewise, and the Jericho vs. Christian steel cage effort on 10 May is essential viewing. Then, there's Shelton Benjamin's bouts with Triple H (the 29 March one, in particular, stands out).

WWE might've been fumbling around a wee bit trying to find their next big star, but the quality of in-ring fare on offer to fans via the top show every week was incredibly high. There's even fun to be had with matches/angles involving Triple H and William Regal if you fancy some brawling (and seeing Regal stand up for Eugene).

This roster doesn't get enough credit, man.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.