10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE SmackDown From 1999

6. Vince Russo’s WCW Blueprint Started Here

The Rock WWF SmackDown

Vince Russo famously bolted for WCW in October 1999, but not before McMahon told him to hire a nanny if he was worried about working too much and never seeing his kids. That was the last straw for Vinnie Ru. Unfortunately for him, WCW wasn't exactly the safe haven he had hoped it would be.

SmackDown's early weeks did provide him with a blueprint though.

The show had multiple workers in every segment, and storytelling took clear priority over wrestling. SmackDown's general pacing also screams Nitro and Thunder in 2000 looking back; the 23 September episode along had "Chokeslam", Inferno, Casket, Boiler Room Brawl, "Brahma Bull" Rope and First Blood matches.

Six gimmick bouts on the same two-hour show was overkill. What does it sound like? WCW in 2000 under Russo's watch, that's what. His frantic approach to penning television had gone off the deep end long before McMahon's nanny speech sent Russo spinning towards Atlanta.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.