10 Things You Learn Binge Watching Every WWE SmackDown From 1999

5. And Yet It’s Still Watchable

The Rock WWF SmackDown

It's still a captivating watch.

By the late-90s, the WWF were brimming with confidence. Their 'Attitude' rise had created monster business that showed no signs of slowing down, and they had one key factor that stopped Russo's car crash approach to telly from hurting the product: The promotion had some serious talent.

Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Mankind, The Rock, Triple H, Vince McMahon himself, Shane, Chris Jericho, Kane, X-Pac, Chyna and more were all must-see stars in '99. Despite some clearly scatty writing, they were all talented enough to pull the nose up on segments and still make them watchable.

Each episode on the Network breezes by, and this fan found he couldn't wait to find out what'd happen the next week. That's good TV. He can sit here and pontificate about the lack of truly awesome matches, but it's true - the WWF had a winning formula around this time.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.