10 Things You Learn Re-Watching AEW Dynamite’s First Episode

1. The Parting Shot Was Killer

Chris Jericho AEW Best In The World

Omega's absence left The Young Bucks high and dry for Chris Jericho's first AEW stable formation. Cody rushed out to make the save post-match, then Sammy Guevara, Dustin Rhodes and the debuting Jake Hager followed. It's almost funny to see how shook fans in Washington were by the former Jack Swagger arriving in All Elite.

They acted like this was Roman Reigns jumping ship.

Still, the finish to the show was chaotic and left you wanting more. Hager’s debut would end up being his AEW highlight, but what a debut it was. Inner Circle forming as a counterpoint to The Elite got people talking as well, and that's rarely a bad thing - they were talking for the right reasons, and excited for more AEW content.

The scatty six-man would become an overused trope for Tony Khan, but it was precisely what fans wanted after years and years of samey, formulaic WWE fare back in October 2019. Jericho's knowing, 'I told you I'd make an impact' face and Hager's steely glare sent Dynamite off-air with a bang.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.