10 Things You Learn Re-Watching AEW Dynamite’s First Episode

7. The Celeb Cameo Spot Didn’t Work

Chris Jericho AEW Best In The World

Eesh, this was a bit naff.

Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes from Jay & Silent Bob appeared at ringside to hype their reboot movie (also starring Chris Jericho), then Angelico and Jack Evans got in their face. Sort of. The whole thing was a swing and a miss. It was latter-day Vince McMahon era WWE-style celebrity segment 101, and that’s not a compliment.

Mewes weakly taunting Angelico and Evans by saying: “You guys can’t even win a match” fell flat with the live crowd too. People must've been expecting something a little bit more edgy than that. Jason might as well have scribbled, "Jack Evans Is Poopy" on a sign and held it up.

The one bright spot to this segment? Chris Van Vliet. The seasoned celeb interviewer was good as a stickman, and would be a neater fit for the backstage promo guy role than Alex Marvez. It's a shame AEW couldn't work something out long term with CCV.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.