10 Things You Learn Training To Be A Pro Wrestler

2. The Ropes Hurt

Unless you have never been in a ring running the ropes, you will simply not have a clue about this. The ropes are not rope at all. Instead they tend to be steel cable with a thin tubing or coating for aesthetic reasons. That€™s why they hurt! You could bounce off them once and not feel too much pain, but at wrestling school, you will be running these things for what will seem like hours at a time. And, if you€™re doing it right, you'll get lovely bruising and swelling right under your arm pit. Beautiful!! This was one of the things i was most looking forward to when i knew i would be getting into a real ring. Bouncing off them, jumping from them, doing some nice springboards. Couldn't wait. Little did i know the true hell of these things. You€™re taught how many steps it will take to cross the ring and then turn to rebound off, this in itself can be a bit difficult to master to look truly great. But after a few trips across the ring, you'll forget this and just try to survive, this is what makes mastering the ropes so difficult. The quicker you master them, the quicker you can go to just running them a little bit as a warm up. Bare that in mind when you want to quit and go home. Nurse your bruises and sores and get on with it.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.