10 Things You Learn Training To Be A Pro Wrestler

6. Do Not Mess About

For this point I€™m talking to the young guys who won€™t be able to control themselves around the experienced guys. Contrary to what your trainer may tell you, it€™s absolutely fine to attend a wrestling school for fun, but don€™t forget that there are guys who want to try and be the next Stone Cold. In the ring it's safety first but some people get a little caught up in the moment. I was once lay in the ring before a session when a young guy dropped a dangerous leg drop directly on my face. I may have lost my cool a little as I proceeded to lock in a choke hold but, to this day, I warrant my actions as the experienced teaching the young. Wrestling has a history of hierarchy. You pay your respects to the veterans and in return, they may share with you some golden nuggets of advice. This same hierarchy begins as soon as you walk into your first training session.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.