10 Things You Learn Training To Be A Pro Wrestler

7. Beware Of Heeling

I think it€™s safe to say you wouldn€™t know what heeling is until you€™ve done it. Heeling is an injury, to your heel (obviously) which occurs after you've performed a leg drop or sit out (Performing a move where you end up sat on your arse) It€™s a strange feeling as your heel recoils and your hit with a searing and sometimes short stinging sensation. I myself encountered this beast quite often as many of my preferred moves involved a swift sit out and was also the proud owner of a truly air grabbing leg drop (If i do say so myself) Strangely enough this never happened on ground or even concrete for that matter. So, after my joy of wrestling in a nice cosy ring, you can imagine the shock of this searing pain suddenly thrust upon me. I recently went to a show a friend was promoting hours before ShowTime and got back into the ring. Totally forgetting about heeling I used my usual warm up of a massive leg drop onto no one. Instantly I realised my body was no longer used to the toils it goes through as my ankle felt like it was going to explode. Hopefully this point will warn others of this hidden monster before they take their first tentative steps between the ropes.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.