10 Things You Learn Training To Be A Pro Wrestler

4. Trust

This is most likely the key to a successful manoeuvre, match and career. You must trust your opponent and he must trust you as you both have each other€™s safety in the others hands. During your training you must prove you are worthy to hold another's life in your hands. Likewise though, you should be treated with enough respect as to have a trustworthy opponent. Even if your learning hip toss's. If you have doubts over your training partners ability then you should quietly raise these concerns. Your head trainer will either change your partner or monitor very closely. I once saw a guy who had so little trust in anyone lifting and slamming him that, when he was being scoop slammed at one point, he put his hands down flat on the mat as his body went over his head, almost snapping his wrists. This is a great example of the fact that if you perform a bump and can trust your opponent whole heartedly, it will be safer and look better. Trust is so important in every aspect of wrestling, you must trust that your opponent will jump for you to perform a move and not to sandbag, you must trust that they won't hit you stupidly hard with there anatomy or other objects, you must trust that they won't do anything stupid to harm you in any serious way. If you find that you cannot trust others in the ring, you won't go far and may endanger others. Partner yourself with a friend and get to know everyone in your class. You'll learn to trust them much more and this method of making friends will help in the locker rooms after training.
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WhatCulture WWE Editor: An Ex Wrestler, Computer Game Retail Employee, Batman fanatic and all round nerdy man who's views on Wrestling and all that come with it border on the obsessive.