10 Times A Special Guest Referee Actually Improved A Wrestling Match

7. Shane McMahon Vs. Vince McMahon (WrestleMania 17) - Ref: Mick Foley

Mick Foley doesn't have the best track record when it comes to being a special guest referee. Normally, he acts as the standard, down-the-middle official, which you might notice, is literally the same role as every regular referee in the WWE. It's like they just really want to use his theme music and showcase his homemade referee shirt. And for much of this match, we saw that same version of Referee Foley. He mostly stood by and watched the proceedings, only breaking up a random catfight between Trish Stratus and Stephanie McMahon after watching from the sidelines for a couple of minutes (presumably trying to disguise his erection lurking in those sweatpants). But then Vince got that crazy look in his eye, and appeared hellbent on doing something awful to his catatonic, wheelchair-bound wife. That's when Foley inserted himself into the melee, getting in Vince's face and backing him down. This led to Vince rapping Foley with a couple of genuinely frightening chair shots. (That one to the head brought on flashbacks of the Rock vs. Mankind I Quit Match.) Though he was laid out for a couple minutes, Foley eventually regained consciousness and started a massively satisfying assault on Vince, pummeling him into the ring post and setting Shane McMahon up for a jaw-dropping Coast to Coast missile dropkick. And that is a good of a reason as any to include him on this list.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.