10 Times A Special Guest Referee Actually Improved A Wrestling Match

6. Bret Hart Vs. The Undertaker (SummerSlam 1997) - Ref: Shawn Michaels

This was the first time we all realized that Shawn Michaels could add some serious depth to a match, just by putting on a skintight, black and white polo shirt. Just a few short months before the infamous Montreal Screwjob, Michaels was the special guest referee between Hart and Undertaker. He was threatened with a ban from wrestling in the United States if he didn't call the match impartially, which was a nifty angle to play. Michaels may have been trying his damnedest to remain impartial, but every time Hart got in his face over what he perceived to be a slow count or some other unfair judgment, the crowd popped with anticipation of these two going at it. But it all went relatively smoothly, right up until the last 10 seconds. Michaels was laid unconscious while Hart used a chair on the Undertaker. HBK didn't officially see it happen, but saw the dented chair in the ring and called Hart out for it. Hart then spat in Michaels' face, which was enough to break HBK's vow of neutrality. He wound up to take a swing at The Hitman, who ducked, leaving Undertaker to take another lump to the head. Michaels had no choice but to make the 3-count and declare Hart the winner, which intensified their feud, and became the jumping off point for the HBK vs. Undertaker Hell in a Cell match a couple of months later.

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.