10 Times A Stone Cold Steve Austin Pop Blew The Roof Off

2. Raw 1999

Stone Cold

It’s impossible to talk about pops and Stone Cold Steve Austin and not include what can be regarded as the game changing moment in wrestling history.

With the McMahon led corporation intent on dominating WWE, a title opportunity had opened up for the ultimate underdog, Mankind.

As chaotic scenes ensued in and around the ring involving DX, Austin’s music would hit out of nowhere to send the watching crowd absolutely mad. Stone Cold clambered into the ring, hit The Rock with a chair, laid an already out-cold Mankind on top of him, and the rest as they say, is history.

While the crowd inside the arena went nuts, it was the turning moment in the Monday Night Wars, as WCW’s Eric Bischoff revealed the outcome of the match on his own Nitro show, only for it to backfire and viewers depart to watch that section of Raw in their droves.

It’s a defining moment in wrestling which signalled the beginning of the end for WCW, and catapulted WWE into the stratosphere.


Football, WWE, NBA, Pokemon, Star Wars, Breaking Bad. Father to two humans and one dog. At my most stressed when getting beat on NBA2K and blaming 'laggy internet' for all losses.