10 Times DX Absolutely Buried Other Wrestlers

2. Bret Hart

Montreal Screwjob Bret Hart Shawn Michaels

D-Generation-X had buried Bret Hart long before the infamous screw job at 1997's Survivor Series. A thorough examination of Shawn Michaels' promo work in the lead up to that match and prior ones proves this.

HBK was merciless on the mic, and claimed that Hart had been having some "Sunny Days" behind his wife's back. This devious comment referenced Bret's friendship with smoking hot Diva Sunny, and it left a bad taste in Hart's mouth when his spouse started asking some questions. To him, Michaels had gone too far.

The burial didn't stop after Shawn, Vince McMahon and others pulled the wool over Bret's eyes in Montreal either. In his autobiography, the 'Hitman' wrote how he sat and watched D-Generation X wheel out a little person dressed as him on Raw and fire off jibes about how he "came up a little short" in the bedroom department.

Bret was already out the door by then, and so had no platform to bite back at the group. DX were absolutely slaying one of WWE's most cherished stars, and they did it just because they could. There was zero call for continuing that behaviour when Hart was gone.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.