10 Times Hell Froze Over In Wrestling

6. Jeff Jarrett In The WWE Hall Of Fame

Jeff Jarrett Hall Of Fame

The WWE Hall Of Fame hasn't been the measure of achievement in the industry from the second ceremony onwards - the McMahon family limo driver James Dudley's induction in 1994 highlighted in-house hypocrisy - but Jeff Jarrett's inclusion in the fold is no less astonishing.

There have been fewer performers with a bigger rap-sheet that 'Double J' since his acrimonious exit in 1999. Taking the $300,000 he believed he was owed from Vince McMahon before agreeing to drop the Intercontinental Title to Chyna on his final night with the company, Jarrett's separation from the company was compounded by a humiliating on-air sacking during the historic Raw/Nitro simulcast.

He doubled down on the divide by founding TNA as the closest North American rival to the Vince McMahon empire. Still curiously something of a silenced brand in WWE canon, Jarrett was presumed part of McMahon's permanent no-fly-zone back when one still existed.

The second generation star's two tumultuous exits from the company he created (as well as a controversial Cash-For-Gold cul-de-sac and a known alcohol abuse problem) were just add-ons to a furthered exile until the latest 'never say never' barrier was kicked down with a single congratulatory Triple H tweet on February 19th 2018.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.