10 Times Popular Wrestlers Beat Up Fans

9. Chris Hero

https://youtu.be/1-_UdcAyIog Is Chris Hero in the same calibre as those mentioned on this list? Not in the slightest. Is his questionably-racist observation against a member of an independent wrestling audience so terrible that it has to be included in this list? You bet. There are strong rumours that these shenanigans were all part of a work and the fan was planted in the crowd, but it still makes for damn good viewing even if that was the case. Hero took some time to engage with a member of the audience and make the obviously inappropriate statement of 'I didn't know there were black people in Canada'. After some solid banter between the two full-grown men, Hero takes a swing before quickly retreating. Thankfully, that was not the end of it. As Hero brawled on the outside of the ring and made his way to the same location as his newfound best friend, the crowd member took the opportunity to return the favour before the pair engaged in an awkward scuffle with some naughty words being slung back and forth. Ahh, wrestling.
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CM Punk
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Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden