10 Times Popular Wrestlers Beat Up Fans

8. Big Show

wwe If there was a list of professional wrestlers the common fan should not try to fight in a bar, Big Show would be on top of that list, and probably second, third and fourth. While enjoying a few beverages in a New York hotel in 1998, Big Show was approached by a man who was clearly out of his mind named Robert Sawyer. While Show was looking for a relaxing night, Mr Sawyer decided to make things interesting. After some verbal abuse and threats, the not-so friendly giant was just about fed up with this complete knob; the fan€™s attempt to shove Show, a clearly immovable mountain of a human being, was the final straw. One KO punch later, Sawyer is left holding his broken jaw and running to the lawyers in an effort to claim some of that sweet, sweet money. Big Show was found not guilty, Sawyer was found to be utterly insane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEYGPrlwvMQ
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Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden