10 Times Really Weird S**t Happened At WWE WrestleMania 34

8. Daniel Bryan Wrestled

Braun Strowman Nicholas Cesaro WrestleMania 34

It's been a couple of weeks since the news about Daniel Bryan being cleared to compete by WWE doctors broke, and yet it still seems like a dream from which we will be awoken at any second by the sound of Vince McMahon laughing.

Seeing him actually take to the ring at WrestleMania 34 was surreal. For many of us, it was right at the top of our wrestling wish lists, alongside CM Punk clearing the air with Triple H and Roman Reigns being demoted to the status of comedy jobber.

This is exactly like when a newly fit again football player returns to the match-day squad after a year out, and commentators lazily declare that it's akin to buying a completely new player. Bryan is a new signing, readily-equipped with an army of devoted followers.

In a way, all of the excitement actually made it impossible to enjoy the match for what it was (which was, admittedly, a middling effort far worse than the sum of its parts). You just couldn't stop thinking about him facing the likes of AJ, Nakamura and Lesnar.
