10 Times Really Weird Stuff Went Down At WWE's Royal Rumble

2. Mae Young's Strip Tease (2000)

Mae Young Mark Henry Royal Rumble 2000

We blame New York for this one.

At the 2000 Rumble, the matches paused so the promotion's Diva contingent could work a 'Miss Rumble 2000' bikini contest. Entrants included The Kat, Terri Runnels, Luna Vachon and Jacqueline. As far as throwaway eye candy skits go, it was fine, if a little in-your-face to look back on nowadays amidst a drive for female equality in wrestling.

Then, things went off the rails. Pensioner Mae Young emerged and said everybody in MSG wanted to see her "puppies". Despite the protestations of host Jerry Lawler, NY agreed and cheered for Mae. That's when she stripped off her robe, used it to...do something and unsheathed her aforementioned "puppies".

They weren't puppies, they were bloodhounds.

The visual of an elderly woman flaunting her (prosthetic) breasts amidst a sea of applauding fans was WWF Attitude gone mad. We love Mae as much as the next wrestling fan, and her legacy is still felt in WWE's Mae Young Classic tournament, but this was too much.

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Royal Rumble
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.