10 Times Really Weird Stuff Went Down At WWE's Royal Rumble

9. The Hurricane's Double Chokeslam Attempt (2002)

Austin Hurricane Triple H Royal Rumble 2002

If a character like The Hurricane shot onto NXT today, some frosty-faced wrestling fans would likely groan and claim WWE were ruining someone's promising career with an awful gimmick. The truth is that Shane Helms ruled as a bumbling superhero; he was sorta' like Deadpool in that way, though Hurricane had a definite Green Lantern vibe.

In the 2002 Rumble, bitter-rivals-turned-tag-partners-turned-bitter-rivals Steve Austin and Triple H were battling away when some familiar music hit. "Stand back, there's a Hurricane coming through", said the tune, and everyone's favourite protector ran to the ring. Then, he tried a Double Chokeslam on both legends.

It didn't go well.

Austin and Trips stared at one another, grabbed Hurricane and promptly eliminated him from the match. Maybe not weird in comparison to some of the others here, but still pretty damn funky to insert comedy after a grudge match-style staredown.

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Royal Rumble
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.