10 Times Really Weird Stuff Went Down At WWE's Royal Rumble

7. Hornswoggle's Mini-Attitude Adjustment (2011)

Hornswoggle Tyson Kidd
WWE Network

Behold the striking image of that strongman champ in waiting Hornswoggle as he holds Tyson Kidd aloft before hitting him with John Cena's Attitude Adjustment.

That's it, nothing else needs to be said. Only kidding. There's a lot to say about this one. Ask the dude in the front row who palmed his forehead and shot an annoyed glance at his buddy when Swoggle came out what he thought about the spot. It's probably the same as almost everyone else.

On the positive side, WWE did do a solid job of finding comedy relief spots for their resident little bastard some in Rumble matches. This was no different, but it did kinda' make poor Tyson look like an idiot when he had to literally throw himself into the air so Swogs could pull off the finisher.

Beyond any obvious embarrassment for the Hart Family Dungeon's final graduate, it was just a bizarre sight to see Cena look on as wee Horny smacked someone around using his most famous moves. Let's just forget 2011's 40-man Rumble experiment in general and move on.

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Royal Rumble
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.