10 Times Really Weird Stuff Went Down At WWE's Royal Rumble

6. The Posedown Contest (1989)

Ultimate Warrior Rick Rude Posedown

Move on to some baby oiled muscles, brother.

Show any non-wrestling fan the above image and they'll believe it's a still from some sort of Las Vegas dance routine or a photoshop effort to be proud of. It wasn't, it was the 'Ultimate Posedown' between Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior and his mega-ripped rival Rick Rude.

In between a WWF Women's Title match and 'King' Haku vs. Harley Race on 1989's Rumble card, Warrior and Rude stopped to trade poses (the four selected were "Double Biceps", "Best Abs", "Most Muscular" and the wonderfully-named "Medley of Poses"). At one point, Warrior even looked like he was aping Rude's hip-swivel routine. Either that or he was pre-empting Val Venis' arrival by nine years.

Yeah, it sucked, and it was weird. Most fans in the stands cringed their way through the segment, and others looked flat out bored by what they were seeing. They'd come to see bone-crunching WWF action and a Rumble, not Warrior thrusting his crotch in everyone's face.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.