10 Times That Hulk Hogan Has Come Back From The Brink

1. Steroid Controversy

Hulk Hogan Promo Pic 2002

The early ‘90s WWF landscape saw the company embroiled in a steroid scandal.

In 1992, Hulk Hogan was outright asked on The Arsenio Hall Show about taking steroids. The Hulkster would deny any use bar a few instances to assist his muscles when returning from injury, a blatant lie which infuriated many in the industry. 

By the time 1994 rolled around, Hulk was actually granted immunity from prosecution and so ended up testifying in the trial of Vince McMahon in the aftermath of alleged illegal steroid supplies to wrestlers from Dr. George Zahorian.

Hogan revealed, under oath, that he’d actually been using anabolic steroids since 1976, which put Vince and the WWF in a hugely problematic position. Given Hogan’s previous denial of steroid use, this latest revelation also muddied the waters of the trial, with Vince eventually being found not guilty.

Hogan would manage to get his career back on track by joining WCW later in ’94. He’d also, of course, make it back to the WWF/E further down the line.

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Senior Writer

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