10 Times Vince McMahon Was The World's Strangest Boss

5. ...Hates Sneezes & Sleep

Corporate World: Personal quirks and preferences should be minimized to reduce friction. Vince World: Being human is just another form of weakness. Vince McMahon isn't at Howard Hughes levels of germ paranoia, but it is well known to insiders that Vince hates sneezes. For Vince, just hearing an employee sneeze convinces him they will soon be asking him for sick days off work. In his blog, former creative Dan Lagana explained Vince€™s philosophy on sick days, €... €˜There is no such thing as sick€™ was the usual response when someone would try to use it as an excuse. Vince is a workaholic and if anything gets in the way of his work, it makes him angry.€ Not only does Vince hate other people€™s sneezes, he personally hates to sneeze. According to an interview with MMA Hour, Paul Heyman witnessed whole meetings derailed by a McMahon sneeze, €œIf you€™re in the room with Vince McMahon and he sneezes, go on your Blackberry for the next 20 minutes because nothing you say to him is going to get through€ Cause he gets really pissed off." Jim Ross explained Vince's sneezing frustration in a Wrestling Inc. interview, "Vince can't control his sneezing, like all of us, and he doesn't like things occurring that he can't control. Many of us found it a source of humor." No Sleep-if you're not a wrestler you don't get to sleep on a flight until McMahon falls asleep and that is in no way guaranteed to occur. They took sleep deprivation out of Guatanamo Bay because it didn't yield any results as a form of interrogation torture. Maybe let your people sleep and then come up with ideas so we get better characters than male cheerleader Dolph Ziggler.

Comedienne & Writer From the Cosmic Wasteland, Stuck In LA.