10 Times We Couldn't Figure Out What The F*** WWE Was Thinking

9. Big Boss Man Steals Big Show's Daddy

JBL Gozilla
WWE Network

Sticking with somewhat uncomfortable segments boasting The World's Largest Athlete, five or so years before Big Show shared the ring with a half-naked JBL and inflatable T-Rex, the titan was at the centre of another WTF SmackDown occurrence.

Things had gotten personal between Show and then-rival Big Boss Man, with the pair engaging in a rivalry over Show's recently deceased father that involved Boss Man infamously reciting a poem containing such touching words as "He lived his own life on his own terms, Soon he'll be buried and eaten by worms."

But that hugely uncomfortable moment absolutely paled in comparison to the outrageous visual of the sunglasses-wearing villain taking it upon himself to invade the eventual kayfabe funeral for the giant's paps.

In reality, Show's father had actually died a few years earlier. Does that make the shot of the titanic grieving son hanging onto his kayfabe dad's coffin as Boss Man speeds off with it chained to his vehicle any less bizarre and disturbing to behold, though? You already know the answer.

Trying to blur parts of reality into the wrestling world always holds the potential to end in insensitive disaster. Watching Boss Man hit on Show's on-screen grieving mother, turn his father into a "drag queen", and having the leathered-up face coffin surf in a graveyard wasn't edgy TV; it was just plain car-crash telly.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...