10 Times Wrestlers Hit Their Finisher In A TV Show
1. ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage - Baywatch
It’s not really possible to put together a list like this and not have ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage at the very top, if for no other reason than a) he guest stars in a 1996 episode of Baywatch, b) the episode, from season six, is called ‘Bash At The Beach’, and c) he’s playing himself, alongside Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Vader and Kevin Sullivan.
The babyfaces Hogan and Savage may be playing themselves, but - gloriously - the heels are playing heel versions of themselves. So Ric Flair is Ric Flair, but a Ric Flair who’s somehow a property developer about to foreclose on the local boys club, and only an impromptu Bash On The Beach match can stop him. Sullivan cackles like a loon.
For the purposes of full disclosure, you must be warned that Hogan goes water-skiing with Macho, nearly drowns, is rescued by no less than six female lifeguards and gets mouth-to-mouth from Pamela Anderson. There’s a video, but you’ll have to find it yourself: it will give you nightmares. But, to offset that hideousness, there’s a training montage. A training montage!
After all that, Savage dropping a flying elbow on Flair and pinning him to save the boys club seems almost an anticlimax. Believe it or not, the episode’s b-plot features a skin cancer scare for one of the main cast, which is so upside down it should be on Stranger Things. But there’s a training montage! Wooooo!