10 Times Wrestlers Ignored Direct Orders

3. Seth Rollins

The Shield 2014

When CM Punk decided to walk out on WWE in January 2014, his name became mud to the promotion. Fans realised this and relentlessly trolled events for years with booming "CM Punk! CM Punk! CM Punk!" chants that were constantly ignored by the announcers. They were likely under direct orders never to reference the chants.

Seth Rollins couldn't take them any more, and he ad-libbed a little rebuttal on the 10 February Raw.

During a match between Dean Ambrose and Mark Henry, The Shield man grabbed a microphone at ringside and went on a rant that included lines like, "CM Who?" and, "That's the man (Ambrose) you all wish you could be, and that's the man all your ladies want to be with tonight." Meanwhile, Roman Reigns chuckled next to him.

Rollins' plan didn't work. The calls continued, almost like he'd egged them on, and he'd done the one thing WWE encouraged performers not to do – he'd acknowledged the chants, shone a spotlight on them and given Punk's fans the attention they craved.

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CM Punk
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.