10 Times Wrestlers Ignored Direct Orders

2. Owen Hart

Owen Hart, Steve Austin

This one is a bit different, because Owen Hart disregarded another wrestler's orders, not the promotion.

Before SummerSlam '97, Steve Austin and Hart worked out some of the spots they'd use during their Intercontinental Title match. When Owen said he wanted to use a version of The Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver, but sit down instead of drop to his knees, Austin said he didn't feel comfortable doing the move and wanted it changed.

Owen did it anyway.

He'd end up breaking Austin's neck and temporarily leave him paralysed on the canvas. It was a terrifying moment, one that'd fracture their friendship when Hart never properly apologised, and change Austin's career for good. He was incensed that someone as slick and smart a worker as Owen would take such a risk.

Worse, Hart had outright ignored Austin's worries and palmed off his demands that the move be tweaked or removed from the match.

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