10 Times Wrestlers Lost Their Minds In Matches

8. Shawn Michaels' Vader Tantrum

Bobby Fish CM Punk

Jumping back nine years, SummerSlam was once again the place where a wrestler completely lost their minds during a high-profile encounter.

This time it was Shawn Michaels - a volatile top star very much suffering from the disease of addiction at that point - who was the one going nuts at the 1996 edition of the summer extravaganza.

As the 'Heartbreak Kid' collided with the mighty Vader in the main event, the challenger seemingly forgot what spot was coming next. And rather than roll out of the way as Michaels attempted to nail him with a diving elbow, he stayed flat on his back.

These things happen, folks. But rather than professionally improvising his way around the mess-up and politely reminding his opponent what was supposed to go down next or simply nudging him onto the next part of the match, the WWE Champion decided to petulantly boot Vader in the face a few times.

"Move, *sshole" and "dumb sh*t" were the furious insults that erupted from a bratty HBK during this outburst, according to Jim Cornette (via ProWrestlingStories).

There's being a "perfectionist", as Vader himself described the world class talent, and then there's losing your head and just being a bit of a weapon.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...