10 Times Wrestlers Lost Their Minds In Matches

9. Eddie Guerrero Loses It Over Vickie

Bobby Fish CM Punk

The legendary Eddie Guerrero was over-flowing with 'Latino Heat'.

And while this typically was used to help the lying, cheating, and stealing anti-hero get the better of his various rivals in-between the ropes, there was that one time in the heat of summer in 2005 when that fire presented itself in a very different way.

Battling with Rey Mysterio over the custody of a young Dom-Dom Mysterio (because who needs a courtroom when you can have a ladder match?), Eddie looked to have the bout won as his masked opponent found himself pinned under the climbing equipment.

Things then got a tad awkward for a spell as Guerrero struggled a little too long with the briefcase up high. And in the wake of taking a sudden tumble, it soon become clear from Eddie's screams of "WHERE THE F*** WAS VICKIE!" that his wife was likely supposed to have been involved in that clunky spot.

Vickie, who eventually turned up, would ultimately note on social media (via Fightful) just last year that she was actually just doing what she was told in the moment, with someone backstage letting her know that it wasn't safe for her to arrive in the match until a trapped Rey was out of the way.

But Eddie evidently wasn't aware of such safety issues and proceeded to completely lose it at 'The Biggest Party of the Summer'.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...