10 Times Wrestlers Went Too Far

7. Ronda Rousey's Real-Life Heel Turn Does Her Comeback No Favours

Booker T

Sticking with talents who would've likely benefited from keeping their traps shut when away from the squared-circle, and it's rather interesting to assess how different things could've been for a returning Ronda Rousey had she not flaunted her frustrations with the WWE Universe so openly during her elongated spell away from the spotlight.

With Rousey's first and wholly impressive run with the company ending with her being something of a divisive figure in 2019, it was clear from the former UFC Bantamweight Champion's comments on the Wild Ride! with Steve-O podcast in April 2020 that she was in no rush to perform for them again.

As "The Baddest Woman on the Planet" put it:

"I love performing. I love the girls. I love being out there…but, at the end of the day, I was just like, ‘F*** these fans, dude.’"

While Rousey received a decent enough reception upon making her WWE return at the Royal Rumble, her positioning as a babyface since making her comeback hasn't been entirely well received. And the company is now having to rely on the occasional piped-in collection of cheers to get over a star who still hasn't wholly endeared herself to a crowd she once buried so publicly.

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Booker T
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...