10 Times Wrestlers Went Totally Off Script

9. Talk To The Hand

Brock Lesnar Hulk Hogan 2014

When you've reached legend status, you can pretty much do whatever you like inside a WWE ring. Anything, that is, except try and upstage Stephanie McMahon.

This was a lesson Dusty Rhodes learned on Raw in October 2013, when he joined sons Dustin and Cody in the ring as they attempted to win back their jobs from The Authority - who, around this time, were all over the WWE product.

Addressing Triple H directly, the American Dream had the temerity to wave a hand in front of the face of his wife, blocking her from the view of the camera (and, in turn, depriving viewers of one of those sassy I don't think so stares she gives whenever a baby-face gets ideas above their station).

Stephanie smacked his arm away faster than he could say, well, anything. But as far as she was concerned the damage was already done, and Vince's daughter was said to be mightily annoyed by the gesture when they got back behind the curtain.
