10 Times Wrestlers Went Totally Off Script

8. Flair Said What?!

Master of the ring Ric Flair knows to save his off-script mishaps for taped shows, ensuring that the production crew can work their magic in post and leave any trace of them on the cutting room floor.

Unfortunately, in the internet age these moments never completely go away, and that's why we all know that Ric Flair once encouraged Natalya to kill herself during a heated promo on SmackDown in April of last year.

Obviously, the Nature Boy didn't really want her to end her life - he just got caught up in the moment, keen to help his daughter's feud generate some extra heat - but, for obvious reasons, WWE was forced into editing it out of the show, lest they be accused of making light of a serious topic.

Curiously, though, Paige's scripted comments about Reid Flair a few months earlier went out live - presumably on the say so of Monday Night Raw's head-honcho - without any censure. Try and figure that one out.
