10 Times Wrestlers Were Broken In The Hard Way
5. Mass Transit
In one of the most infamous incidents in an infamously grisly industry, Erik "Mass Transit" Kulas was dealt a measure of vigilantism by New Jack on 23 November 1996.
Kulas deceived ECW by lying about his age, and, in a further transgression, attempted to shine in his capacity as enhancement talent. This was a fundamental no-no, even when you don't ask New Jack, of all wrestlers, if you can get your "sh*t" in. One such request became sickeningly ironic; Kulas, a mark for the blood and guts promotion and himself, asked New Jack to give him "colour". New Jack did precisely that by flaying Transit's forehead open with a surgical scalpel in an act so literally criminal that Kulas' family instigated legal proceedings.
New Jack's promo - "I don't care if the motherf*cker dies!" - didn't see him imprisoned, bizarrely enough. The jury acquitted New Jack because Transit's father's incriminating "He's only 17!" protest was heard on the ECW Fancam footage, and the roster members stated on the record that Kulas had willingly put himself forward for the punishment, though not, obviously, to such a dangerous extent.
In a roundabout way, Mass Transit did enhance New Jack, or at least, his dangerous aura.