10 Times Wrestlers Were HORRIBLE To Fans
2. Triple H Calls You All Marks

Triple H thinks you are a completely entitled idiot and has expressed this sentiment several times.
For someone who isn't like Vince McMahon and has done a far better job than Vince McMahon, Triple H is rather a lot like Vince McMahon. Of course he is. He sat under that learning tree for about a quarter of a century and is his son-in-law.
Vince was infamous for his proclamations of "I know what you people want better than you do!", and generally held his audience in contempt. Triple H followed suit under the thin guise of his onscreen character and as Paul Levesque: shoot human being.
Triple H infamously said in 2015 that "me and my friend Mark" are going to "stop watching" WWE for making yet another backwards creative decision. Hilariously, millions did over the next several years.
He said, ahead of an NXT TakeOver event as the backlash started to kick in, "Oh, I'm sorry, how's your territory doing?" - as if to suggest that you are too stupid to grasp the machinations of booking and should shut up to spare your embarrassment. Similarly, at the WrestleMania 39 post-show presser, he again mocked the protesting, ignorant voices. He has a way - a very snide way - of putting this across.
It's all very condescending and smug, this loathing of the audience. He likes the phrase "People like to say..." which is barely-obscured code for "Dumb people shouldn't voice their opinion".