10 Times Wrestlers Were HORRIBLE To Fans
1. Vince McMahon Brackets General
So much of American wrestling was dog dirt rancid across the 21st century, and the man who found nothing funnier than dog dirt - Vince McMahon - had much to do with it.
He was horrible to more important people than the fans who gobbled up his slop, to be sure. The era of 'Vince McMahon: he's bad because he didn't push my favowite!!!' is a distant and incredibly naive memory. He's worse than an antagonistic booker. He is evil. Don't remember him as the guy who wouldn't stop pushing Roman Reigns as a babyface for six years.
Still, he hated you too.
In just one of 7,000 examples of this loathing, when you rolled your eyes at the idea of Baron Corbin retiring Kurt Angle, because you actually knew better than Vince and that it was never going to get people to take Corbin seriously - and it didn't - he purportedly said "F*ck 'em!" in the writer's room.
He also said he wants to put smiles on your faces.
He also said that it was time to retire. He didn't retire. He resigned in disgrace. He also didn't even do that, and wormed his way back into the picture with a devilish scheme not unlike extortion.