10 Times Wrestling Fans Completely Rejected What They Were Seeing

2. Sting vs. Abyss - TNA Destination X 2007

sting casket
Impact Wrestling

When Vince Russo was signed to TNA in 2006 to be part of creative, fans and critics didn’t take too kindly to the segments that followed on Impact! and pay-per-views. This was very much evident at their Destination X event, where a ‘Last Rites’ match was booked between Sting and Abyss. The rules for this new concept were “competitors must call for the death bed to be lowered from high above the ring” and then they have to place their opponent inside of it and slam it shut, sending it to the ceiling. As soon as the ring announcer read aloud the rules fans knew this match would be grim to sit through.

In the match when Abyss called for the deathbed to be lowered, fans immediately started chanting “Fire Russo”. Sting picked up the win after shoving Abyss in the death bed. Sting in the script was supposed to be raised atop of the coffin too, to sell the beating he just went through but the referee awkwardly had to tell him this was a no-go because production staff quickly found out they couldn’t raise the ‘death bed’ with that much weight.

This wouldn’t be the last time where fans reacted this negatively. At the very next PPV Lockdown during the Electrified Six Sides of Steel Cage match between Team 3D and LAX, where the lights in the arena would flicker whenever a wrestler made contact with the cage (to make it seem like they were getting electrocuted) the same “Fire Russo” chants rang out.

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