10 Times Wrestling Heels Were Secretly The Babyface

3. CM Punk Takes The Spotlight Back

Cm Punk The Rock

CM Punk made it clear during his iconic rant at the top of the ramp back in June 2011 that he felt he deserved the WrestleMania main events and attention just as much as, if not more than the likes of The Rock and John Cena.

And while he would go on to lift the WWE Championship and eventually hold that belt for a significant spell, the Punker still couldn't shake the feeling of being under-appreciated.

So, while it was presented as something of a dastardly shock when Punk suddenly took out 'The Great One' on Raw 1000 a year on from his legendary Pipe Bomb, it actually wasn't all that surprising the more you thought about it.

Punk had been busting his ass as the company's top champ, but he was still largely overshadowed by 'Rocky' and John Cena during that eventual record-breaking run.

And though he would gradually evolve into a full-blown jerk in his quest to find the respect he felt he was owed, Punk's initial reasons for knocking 'The People's Champion' down a peg were entirely understandable.

'The Voice of the Voiceless' was rudely interrupted and ignored by 'Rocky' and tired of not being given the spotlight the WWE Champion should receive every week. So, this anti-hero simply reminded the part-time icon who the real man was around these parts with an emphatic knee to the face.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...