10 Times WWE Best Used Blood
4. Steve Austin Vs. The Rock (WrestleMania X-7)
For what many consider the finale of the Attitude Era, this match had everything that defined its main events: wild brawling, chair shots, interference, a shocking swerve, and of course, blood.
While not famous for the latter, Austin vs. Rock from ‘Mania X-7 absolutely deserves its spot on the list for the story that was told. Here were Steve Austin and The Rock, the two biggest stars of their time, two bitter rivals, two men desperate to win. This wasn’t two guys bleeding because it looked cool. For a time, you could believe that these were two men who hated each other and were desperate to claim victory.
The bloodied looks of anguish and despair as the two men kicked out of each others’ finishers and try to make each other tap to their submissions as a rabid Astrodome ate up every second is as perfect as pro wrestling can get.
If you haven’t watched Rock-Austin at X-7 in a while, do so, and appreciate what those men and their blood meant to this business.