10 Times WWE Blatantly Ripped Off Their Own Angles
Rinse and repeat. Sometimes literally...

If something is deemed 'good' in wrestling, then it'll come back around again for yet more box office dollars. If something is considered 'bad' (or a total flop), then excuses will be made as to why things went wrong and the company responsible will probably give it another whirl again anyway.
Repetition doesn't discriminate when it comes to taste.
WWE has countless hours of programming to fill, and genuinely great ideas don't exist by the weekly bucket load. That must be why Vince McMahon's organisation has relentlessly plundered its own history books and recycled almost everything it has tried before, even if that "everything" barely registered the first time. Some examples are way more blatant than others, but these rip-offs were definitely all influenced by an old angle, match or character idea.
It actually makes sense on one level; why wouldn't McMahon want to try something out again? What's the worst that could happen? If it fails again, then lesson learned, but what if it catches fire or gets people talking? To WWE, that made the following re-dos worth a shot...