10 Times WWE Blatantly Ripped Off Their Own Angles

9. Doppelgängers Collide

The Undertaker Kane Doppelgänger

Christ knows what was going through Vinnie Mac's mind when he decided that a lumbering doppelgänger match should headline SummerSlam 1994 instead of a pacy, intense caged war between Bret and Owen Hart, but it happened. The Undertaker vs. The 'Underfaker' almost sent everyone to sleep.

Including 'Taker.

Bruce Prichard has told on his podcast how 'The Deadman' chastised him and other creative team members for even coming up with the feud. 'Taker likely rolled his eyes all over again years later when WWE tried to convince everyone that the original, masked Kane had returned to vanquish his baldy replacement.

In 2006, Luke Gallows was given the least convincing wig since Donald Trump and asked to copy 1998 Kane's mannerisms. It...was rubbish, was never going to work and should've been reserved for one of WWE's video games rather than real life.

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Vince McMahon
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.