10 Times WWE Blatantly Ripped Off Their Own Angles

6. D-Generation X Play Dress Up

D-Generation X DX Nation Of Domination Vince Shane McMahon


No, seeing certain members of D-Generation X wear 'blackface' for their 1998 parody of The Nation shouldn't be encouraged, and it's something X-Pac has admitted he regrets now. Still, provided one is able to look past depressing racism and towards Triple H's performance as 'The Crock', then there's fun to be had.

DX made a habit of dressing up like goofs to get a giggle out of fans. Mere months after lampooning one faction, Trips and pals were at it again in December '98 by ripping into The Corporation. Then, many moons after such merriment, Shawn Michaels and Triple H dressed up as Shane and Vince McMahon.

All of these played before diminishing returns (although HBK's Shane-O-Mac mannerisms will be hilarious forever), but they're a great example of WWE's need to revisit what worked before. Comical cosplay to infuriate heels became D-Generation X's thing.

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Vince McMahon
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