10 Times WWE Completely Abandoned Their Talent
1. Baron Corbin
The relationship WWE has fostered with the Baron Corbin gimmick is so toxic and abusive that it ultimately serves as the most naked act of aggression from a billionaire towards his consumers.
Corbin serves as something of a troll heel; a modern phenomenon in which the act of getting heat comes not from doing bad things but being insufferably dull. He himself is acting out because on at least two occasions, his superiors have blamed the gimmick on camera for ratings declines, despite the fact that he is performing duties doled out by those same superiors. Those same superiors are probably getting b*llocked by Vince McMahon for one thing or another every other day, and the cycle continues.
The abandonment only really subsided when they put him in a daft cape and crown.
Making him 'King' was an ugly coalescence of all of this - he's so tone deaf that he doesn't even realise the scale of pr*ck he's being, to the point where he can be covered in dog food and return to work the following week to be just as big a pr*ck as he was the week before. There's no growth, no development and realistically no hope, but Corbin will make good money and never be an actual star soooo...score draw?