10 Times WWE Employees Hated The Current Product
8. Zelina Vega
Thea Trinidad was wished well in her future endeavours on 13 November 2020. This was the result of her refusing to remove herself from third-party sites (i.e., Twitch and Only Fans) after Chairman Vince McMahon banned all WWE employees from using such services.
This restrictions are controversial, and cut off the complimentary income of wrestlers as well as stopping them engaging with fans. When added to the concurrent controversy of WWE treating its employees as “independent contractors” and depriving them of benefits, it was not a good look for the billion-dollar company. WWE encroached on its performer’s independent outlets, the closest to an olive branch was the company demanding a significant cut of streaming revenue.
Trinidad took a stand and continued to actively stream therefore breaching her contract with the company. For this, she was terminated. Trinidad asked to speak to McMahon but was escorted out of the building and told the Chairman didn’t want to talk to her. She did, however, find the ear of Sag-AFTRA President Gabrielle Carteris. The two had “powerful” talks about unionization for wrestlers, though concrete change is yet to materialise.