10 Times WWE Employees Hated The Current Product
4. Deonna Purrazzo
In leaving WWE, as part of the April 2020 cutbacks, Deonna Purrazzo became a star in Impact Wrestling, standing now as a two-time Knockouts Champion and Impact’s Wrestler and Knockout of 2020 in less than a year with the company.
On 8 August, Purrazzo used Twitter to reflect on her time at WWE’s Performance Center.
She talked about her sacrifices made for the company in uprooting herself to Florida with no notice and spending “YEARS” trying to “earn a job”. She referred to herself as “a target”, finding herself in that predicament due to standing up for herself, her “trials & tribulations”, and her friends. She also said she “saw through !*$% “regimes” of the PC”, elaborating:-
“Ask for critique, difficult. Ask to be challenged in class, know-it-all. Ask to work more, ungrateful. I was a target [because] I won’t be taken advantage of.”
In signing to Impact, Purrazzo found a remedy to her situation. She is now “truly happy”, motivated and “inspired to improve”. She alluded to having time for her passions outside of wrestling while also being able to succeed in the ring. Purrazzo is proof that wrestlers can find success away from the pro-wrestling monolith.