10 Times WWE Failed To Create Main Event Players

9. Ryback (2012-13)

Ryback John Cena Raw April 2013

In WWE land, "Feed Me More" translated to feeding Ryback less and hoping nobody would notice.

The Goldberg clone he played during his first few months as the character gave way to an emerging headline push opposite CM Punk and Paul Heyman's sovereignty over the WWE Title. That's when John Cena, a man who could make or break Ryback, came into things. He was the one who played cheerleader for Ryback at HIAC.

Following the Punk feud, Ryback weirdly lost to Mark Henry at WrestleMania 29, then turned heel and challenged Cena for the top belt. That was an arse-backwards way of getting to the rivalry, and it made poor Ryback look like a chump rather than potential champ. Try as Cena did after that, it was a lost cause.

Things got worse when WWE later turned Ryback into a schoolyard bully who'd intimidate production workers and other wrestlers. All his potential was squandered, first by an unnecessary heel turn and questionable losses, then a strange association with Heyman.

Six months later, Ryback was teaming with Curtis Axel as 'Ryb-Axel'. Yeah...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.